Joaquin Pacheco
Joaquin Meckler-Pacheco joined FirstCarbon Solutions as a biological consultant in June of 2018 on the Environmental Services Biology Team. He carries out various field studies, such as rare plant surveys, habitat assessments, and wetland delineations, to ensure the requirements of CEQA are followed. He drafts, reviews, and analyzes Biological Resource Assessments (BRA), Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (ISMND). In particular, Joaquin evaluates potential impacts from project development through field surveys and written documents and works towards developing strong relationships with clients and regulatory agencies to effectively communicate project goals. Joaquin graduated from the University of California at Davis in June of 2018 with a major in Conservation Biology and a minor in Education. He previously worked in a variety of research positions, including a plant ecology lab and fire disturbance lab, and he was a member of Camp Kesem at UC Davis.