ADEC ESG Solutions is hosting a live webinar to help you learn about CDP Principles and where these principles come into play in responding to not only CDP, but other reporting frameworks as well. Join our webinar on February 22 or 24 (Pacific Time) to understand the fundamentals —and what to look out for in 2021.

adec blog cdp pre-webinar

Here, we will explore one of the topics covered in the upcoming webinar: how to leverage your sustainability programs to maximize your performance.

Want more? Register for the webinar here to get the full details, including a detailed breakdown of CDP’s Core Principles and how CDP data can be used across other ESG reporting frameworks.>

Leveraging Your Sustainability Programs to Maximize Your CDP Score

Your organization’s ESG programs are a key factor in your disclosure performance. What are they, how are they integrated into your overall business strategy, and how are they addressing and mitigating your climate impact risks?

Below, we discuss a few key areas in which you can improve your ESG programs to improve your score.

Board Level Engagement

Disclosing a company’s sustainability efforts as a part of its core business strategies can help strengthen their CDP scores. Respondents can be acknowledged by demonstrating how sustainability plans are integrated into their business programs and structures such as their risk management programs. How can you leverage in sustainability initiatives at the board level?

  • Incorporate sustainability targets as part of the Board and C-suite level targets
  • Provide incentives for achieving ESG goals
  • Increase the frequency of reporting for sustainability matters

Risk Assessments

Knowing the why, what, where, and how of a company’s risks is crucial in responding to CDP—including physical and regulatory challenges. It is important to assess what these risks mean to business operations, costs associated, and how to prepare against and mitigate these threats. We will be identifying these key areas during the webinar next week:>

  • Disclosing information
  • Financial details
  • Company-specific descriptions
  • Response to risks

Climate Scenario Analysis

Conducting a scenario analysis can be an important and useful took for companies to assess potential business implications of climate related risks and opportunities. What should you include in your Scenario Analysis?

  • Outcomes
  • Key financial or strategic decisions made
  • Case study

Join Us to Learn More!

Our upcoming webinar is designed to help you learn about CDP Core Principles, and how they come into play in responding to CDP and other reporting frameworks. Whether you are new to CDP or a seasoned expert looking to branch out to other frameworks, understanding CDP’s Core Principles is a great way to ensure your response has a strong, airtight foundation. These principles can be applied more broadly towards other reporting mechanisms, where data users can gain valuable insight into your ESG program overall.

This webinar will cover key topics including:

  • Common pitfalls with responding to CDP and how to avoid them
  • Trends with CDP and what to expect for 2021
  • How to leverage your sustainability programs to maximize your CDP score
  • How CDP connects to other reporting – DJSI, EcoVadis, and other reporting schemes
  • And a live Q&A session with our experienced consultants


Join us on February 22 or 24 (Pacific Time), and have your CDP-related questions ready!

Register here.


ADEC ESG Solutions has over 30 years of experience helping global companies enhance their ESG programs and meet their sustainability goals. In 2020, our team helped over 76% of clients achieve a Leadership score, with one in ten clients making the A List for the first time that year.

We offer a variety of services to maximize your CDP disclosure and help you be recognized as a sustainability leader. To learn more, visit here.


Be a sustainability leader.

Our team supports you no matter where you are on your Sustainability Journey. Talk to us today to learn more.
