data-center.jpgMany businesses know the principle of “majority rules” – a decision rule where 50% plus 1 of an organized group is able to affect an outcome to their favor. Accordingly, in a recent GreenBiz Intelligence Panel survey, the majority of the group rated CDP as the most credible and important. Moreover, the work done by CDP has been unanimously identified as the most helpful and  beneficial among other reporting frameworks. Receiving 67% of respondents’ nod, they all agreed that when it comes to sustainability reporting frameworks, CDP is simply one of the most valued.

With over 10 years of working with companies from all over the world, CDP has demonstrated it is capable of increasing business awareness on the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions; guiding business leaders towards understanding the risks of climate change; creating opportunities for businesses to innovate and generate revenue from sustainable products and services; and showing how businesses can future-proof themselves from climate change and water impacts.

Climate Change Program

CDP has helped move climate change and energy efficiency from obscurity into mainstream business thinking. Companies are better able to understand and make concrete plans on how to protect themselves from the impacts of climate change as well as become more energy efficient in the process.

Water Program

Water is a powerful driver towards a prosperous, innovative and sustainable economy. And, conversely, when mismanaged, it leads to significant business losses. CDP’s Water Program aims to drive greater transparency of water issues, enable access to corporate water data, promote more competent governance, incentivize business planning, and support and accelerate development of benchmarks.

Forests Program

The merger between the Global Canopy Programme (GCP) and CDP brings corporate disclosure on the climate, water and forests to a whole new and unprecedented level. The outcome is the world’s largest and most comprehensive natural capital disclosure system that provides companies and investors with a single, integrated source of information for these interrelated issues.

Supply Chain Programdescribe the image

This program is designed to promote information sharing and innovation between the CDP Supply Chain member companies and their suppliers (those that provide goods and services to the member companies) towards a low-carbon economy.

Companies that are transparent with their data on climate change, deforestation risks, water use and supply chains provide decision makers within their industry, the investment community, their customer base and within their countries precious information that would be a critical reference point towards designing efforts to curb environmental risks. These efforts will impact not only the industry and country where reporting businesses are located, but throughout the world – even in areas where there are no business like the Amazon Rainforest, Oceans, Seas, deserts and Antarctic Regions.

Imagine how much is at stake. And all it takes to save it is to provide transparency into your environmental impacts through reporting mechanisms like CDP.

FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) is the exclusive Scoring Partner of the CDP Supply Chain Program since 2011, a trusted Scoring Partner for the CDP Investor Program, and is a Gold Consultancy Partner of CDP Response Check. FCS can provide your organization with in-depth knowledge and insight on CDP materials and questionnaires. Click button below for your free consultation.

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