0o1a3174-961_lowSupplier Climate Performance Leadership Index: Climate change is already beginning to alter life on earth as we know it. Around the globe, temperatures are rising, rainfall patterns are shifting, glaciers are melting, sea levels are getting higher and extreme weather resulting in hazards such as floods and droughts is becoming more common. And with all of these changes occurring, our planet must still supply us – and all living things – with air, water, food and safe places to live.

These issues are likely to worsen if businesses do not reduce their greenhouse gas emissions that are almost certainly causing climate change. But in an effort to reduce their carbon footprints, companies must first be able to measure them. CDP is an international organization that provides the only global system for businesses and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information. The company is now taking its services one step further as longtime partners, CDP and FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS), today announced the debut publication of the Supplier Climate Performance Leadership Index (SCPLI), a new evaluation and benchmarking tool for CDP supply chain members and suppliers.

CDP logo RGB resized 600Compiled by FCS on behalf of CDP, the index is based on supply chain program data from 2,868 suppliers that are disclosing climate change data at the request of CDP’s 64 supply chain members, which represent a combined spending power of nearly $1.15 trillion. The 79 companies included in the index demonstrate strong and transparent climate strategies and emissions reduction programs.

In 2011, when FCS became the exclusive scoring partner for the CDP Supply Chain program, suppliers began requesting for a way to measure their climate change performance. Now, with the launch of the Supplier Leadership Index, the top 3% of suppliers who are committed to integrating climate resiliency programs into their overall business strategies are being recognized. 

people-in-beautiful-park-with-city-view_rYs1juars-lowThese top 79 suppliers have put in place:

  • Board-level oversight on climate planning along with monetary incentives for emission reductions

  • Substantive detail on how climate change is integrated into risk management and corporate strategy planning

  • Scope 1 and Scope 2 reduction targets

  • Evidence of Scope 1 & Scope 2 emissions reduction activities that delivered significant results

  • Independent third-party assurance of Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions

Consumer Awareness

Increasingly, customers and organizations want to work with companies that have a proven track record in conducting business sustainably. Introducing a supplier performance leadership index into CDP's supply chain program will drive best practice. Accordingly, CDP has found that big multinational purchasers are increasingly demanding that their suppliers take action on mitigating climate change risks. Suppliers need to improve their levels of sustainability to differentiate themselves from their competitors or they risk the chance of losing business. To see the full supply chain report, including names of companies featured in the SCPLI and the methodology used, click here.

FCS helps clients save time, reduce costs, optimize resource use and drive operational efficiencies. Our team recognizes the myriad of sustainability challenges that organizations face in an increasingly regulation-cognizant world, as such we strive to give you a clear picture of your environmental performance. With more than 30 years of environmental and sustainability consulting experience, FCS has offices throughout Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa and North America to ensure we meet our clients’ ever-evolving environmental and compliance needs in energy, air and carbon management; environmental assessments and planning; supply and life cycle assessments; permitting and compliance; software and data processing. For more information, contact us:

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